Oskar Zięta – Catch fire

4th September 7 PM
BWA Zielona Góra
Open till : 4th October 2015
Curator: Marta Gendera

Oskar Zięta (born in 1975 in Zielona Góra) is best known as a furniture and utilities designer, made in own FIDU technology (free internal pressure forming). His objects are regarded as the most important icons of design and can be found in private spaces, public facilities and in core exhibitions of several modern art museums.
In his work a most important role leads a technological process that allows additional freedom for a material being subjected to pressure forming. Zięta’s activity explores also other fields of design including modern art, architecture and engineering.
At the “Catch Fire” exhibition Oskar Zięta presents his sculpture “Flames” which was first sketched in 2014 at the request of BWA Gallery and the Salony Foundation as a part of the Millennium Park project. The sculpture refers to a crafting process – steel processing indicates blacksmithing. The FIDU technology extracts and highlights irregular shapes of flames and further processing with external factors will conclude in changing its colour and structure.

Oskar Zięta (born 1975), a designer, an architect, an artist, a graduate of the University of Technology in Szczecin and Computer-Aided Architectural Design in Zurich, lectures at the School of Form in Poznań. He runs Zięta Processdesign, the company which designs furniture and utilities in FIDU technology – a process of deformation of steel by interior pressure. He won numerous prestigious Polish and international awards, among others: the Red Dot Award (2008), YDMI (2008), DMY for innovative production processing (2008), Schweiz Design Preis (2008). He annually presents his works at international design exhibitions: Milan Design Week, Dutch Design Week, ICFF in New York. He participated in various art exhibitions in: Black Box Gallery in Milano, Stilwerk Limited Editions Gallery in Hamburg (2011). He is also a creator of “Blow & Roll” installation that was realised in London Victoria & Albert Museum’s courtyard in 2010. His artworks are presented in collections in Pompidou Centre in Paris and in Pinakothek in Munich. Oskar Zięta lives and works in Wrocław and Zurich; he also runs a family company in Zielona Góra.

Cooperation: Fundacja Salony, Zieta Processdesign
The project is supported by Municipality of Zielona Góra.

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